Ep #120: Empowered Choice + Prioritizing Wellness with Sarah Guseilo
Jan 24, 2024
Too often we hear about all the things we SHOULD be doing to feel better, but if you’re like most busy, overwhelmed and depleted single moms, co-parenting just feels too hard.
Today’s conversation with Sarah Guseilo will be a breath of fresh air. As a lifestyle and wellness coach, Sarah offers some simple and effective ways to shift into feeling our best. We are going to talk about some ways that you can simplify your physical, emotional and mental space for a healthier life!
For Sarah, a love of all things wellness led to a career that has beautifully meshed her passion with purpose.
Her mission is simple: to empower women and mothers to design a life that prioritizes self and health ... physically, mentally and soulfully. Her goal is to positively impact the well-being of the individual, the entire family and the community. Sarah holds a B.S. in Educational Psychology, is a Certified Coach through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and a Certified Personal Trainer with many additional fitness qualifications. In her practice, she works with her clients to create an individualized roadmap to becoming the healthiest version of themselves.
Sarah lives in Michigan with her husband, two daughters and two goldendoodles. She is a lover of chai tea lattes, chocolate and creating community and connections. Sarah prides herself on being a lifelong learner and seeker of growth.
You can reach Sarah by:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: (248) 766-2256
- Instagram: @sarahguseilo_coach
- Website: https://sarahguseilo.com/
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Full Episode Transcript:
Mikki: Welcome to Co-Parenting with Confidence, a podcast for those courageous moms out there who want to move past the conflict and frustration of divorce and show up as the mom they truly want to be. My name's Mikki Gardner. I'm a certified life and conscious parenting coach with my own personal dose of co-parenting experience. Throughout my co-parenting journey, I have learned to become confident in who I am as a woman and a mother. And I'm here to help you do the same. If you're ready to learn what it takes to become a great co-parent and an amazing example to your children, well get ready and let's dive into today's episode.
Mikki: Welcome back to the podcast. Today we have a beautiful guest and a really wonderful conversation with Sarah Guseilo, who is a lifestyle and wellness coach. I am really excited to bring this conversation to you and to dive into the holistic work that she does that I know is going to really resonate with so many of us. Before we do, I want to tell you about a little something that I don't want you to miss out on. This month of January and really the last few months, one of the things that I'm noticing over and over and over is this idea of not even knowing where to begin. And I know that this resonates so much with all of the content from January's podcast, which is why I wanted to talk about it, certainly in this conversation with Sarah today. But sometimes it's like we just don't even know where to start.
Mikki: We know things feel off in our co-parenting. We know that there's glaring sort of issues, if you will, but where do we even begin? And so what I wanted to do is create an assessment, a co-parenting assessment. And why do I want to do this? Because I want to help you actually start to improve your co-parenting today. It is possible for you to do it, and sometimes we need to refocus. So how are we going to do that? Well, I created this assessment, this co-parenting wellness assessment, and it helps walk you through where you are now and what needs to shift, and then start to put into your priorities where you focus your energy, your actions, and your emotions so that you can start to see and feel change. Here's the best part about this. This isn't just something that you do or a worksheet that you fill out.
Mikki: This is something that you and I are going to do together. This is something that we can do in a very short container of just 60 minutes together, or we can do it together over a longer period of time. If you are interested in getting a co-parenting assessment for you and your life where it is today, what I want you to do is go over to Instagram and dm me, assessment, the word assessment, and then I will reach out and we will get that set up for you. I don't want you to miss out on this. This is an opportunity for you to really change the trajectory of your co-parenting in 2024 if you're listening to this in 2024. But go ahead, go to Instagram, DM me, assessment, and you and I are going to get you started with my help. You are going to have me there with you, really helping you decide where to go next.
Mikki: This is a game changer, my friend. Don't miss out. But back to today's conversation. I'm really excited for you because I know, just like I just said, there's things we know we "should be doing" to feel better, to co-parent more effectively, but they just feel really just too hard when we're busy, when we're overwhelmed, when we're depleted from co-parenting. Today's conversation with Sarah Guseilo is a breath of fresh air for you and I. She's a lifestyle coach who offers simple and effective ways to start shift into feeling your best today. Sarah is a lover of all things wellness, which has led her to this career and really having her passion and purpose be around this. Her mission is a simple one, to empower women and mothers to design a life that prioritizes self and health, whether that is physical, mental, or spiritually.
Mikki: Her goal is to really guide and impact the wellbeing of the individual, the family, and the community. Listen, she is wonderful. I can't wait for you to learn more about her. She lives here in Michigan. I have the great privilege of being able to be in community with her, but she is a wife, with her husband and mom to two daughters and two dogs, and she's a lover of community connections, chai tea lattes, and chocolate. So she is all things good in my book. So without further ado, let's jump into this conversation. Sarah, I am so excited to have you on the podcast today and share you with my listeners. So thank you so much for coming.
Sarah: I'm so happy to be here. Thank you for having me.
Mikki: Yeah. So I told everybody a little bit about you, those high level details, but I would love for you to share who you are, how you got here, and really what you do in the health and wellness space.
Sarah: Yes. So I first and foremost am a mom of two girls who I adore. They're young, seven and five. And I also am a holistic health coach and a fitness professional. I use that term broad term as part of my journey for many years. And I have a lot of modalities that I work with. And really what led me into the wellness industry is I always had a natural interest for it. I was the one in college when everyone else is going to get the pizza, making my own food at home, filled with vegetables among other things.
Mikki: Oh good for you.
Sarah: I know. And I say that not to boost myself up, but it truly was who, it's just who I am and what, I always had a value for health and wellness. And so I am proud of myself that that's something that I have stuck with and stayed consistent with. But when I was younger in high school, college age, I really struggled a lot with body image. And I was a competitive horseback rider. And I think it all came to a head when I graduated college and my horse died, and I was in a career that was not lighting me up. And so I moved to a new city, I moved to Chicago. I found an amazing fitness studio with incredible women and mothers and just people who were this community that really lit me up and made me find this new way of moving my body, finding my health again, finding a groove with something that wasn't riding after I had had that huge moment of grief, I decided to make that a career. And so that's when I became a certified holistic health coach and a fitness instructor. And ultimately really just led this natural interest and met it with my passion, which is people and having impact and combining them together into, okay, now I can have an impact on other people's health. And that's evolved over time in the course, just like we all evolve and grow. And now that I'm a mother, I really primarily focus on working with other mothers.
Mikki: Wow. Well, thank you for sharing that story. And I'm sort of taken back because I didn't know that you and I had that connection, but I used to ride competitively and my life completely changed course when my competition horse got sick. And I ended up moving to a new city doing all the things. And so you were talking, I'm like, how have we, 'cause you and I know each other in real life, and so how did we not connect those dots? But that will be a topic for another conversation over coffee. So, but there's certainly synchronicity.
Sarah: Yes. There's certainly a reason that it came up that parallel in our life. So we'll dive deeper into that another time.
Mikki: Yeah. So coming back, so tell me, how do you define, 'cause you use this term health and wellness, and I think it's something we hear a lot about. And I know for my audience, one of the things when I start working with clients, we start to talk about wellness and it's like, yeah, yeah, yeah Mikki, let's actually just stay on this topic. And so I love the way that you talk about this. So can you define wellness for us and help us understand the way that you see it?
Sarah: Yeah. I think there's many definitions out there, but for me, when I think about wellness, it's really anything that leads you to living your best life and feeling your best. It's an active pursuit of making choices that will lead you to a state of wellbeing, a state of having holistic health. And so for me, that kinda takes out the question of, oh, okay, so is this really going to make me healthier? Is this really going to impact my wellbeing? If you feel it and it's making you feel better, and it's really moving the needle for you, then I would say the answer is likely yes. As soon as it starts feeling like a job, a chore, like your list of all the things that I'm supposed to do becomes daunting, it's really no longer wellness in my view.
Mikki: Oh, okay. Yeah.
Sarah: The work that I do is so much about really creating this individualized roadmap to what is your wellness journey going to be, not what's everybody else's.
Mikki: Right.
Sarah: And the wellness and the health industry, they're constantly changing. It's constantly evolving. There's new trends and new fads and do this and do that always being thrown at us. So we really have to use our discernment of, okay, what actually is working for me? Am I doing red light therapy? Am I dry brushing every day? Am I getting in the cold plunge just because I think I'm supposed to, or is it actually making me feel better?
Mikki: Yeah.
Sarah: Right?
Mikki: So, yeah, I totally hear that. I love that you made that distinction. And even just the really connecting back to your body and does this feel good. Because I think so much, especially I know for my audience, after divorce or separation or when co-parenting is really, really difficult. Even just parenting being very, very difficult, we kinda get into that sort of survival place where we're just desperate to feel better and it's so easy to say, oh, this will make me feel better, or this, and then, we're constantly jumping from thing to thing. So I'd love for you to maybe talk about some of the practices or some of the tools, right? 'cause you just said a couple of like the dry brushing or the red light or the cold plunging, and like these, these fads, which great, they're great. But also what are some just practical tools and practices that you see really move the needle for your clients? For their sort of physical, emotional, mental health? That holistic.
Sarah: Yeah. And Mikki, a lot of it really comes down to less of these examples that I gave. The cold plunge. The dry brush. All of this. And more about honing in on what is your why? Taking the time to come back. Okay, why is it that I want to prioritize my wellbeing and my health? Usually when we get really clear on that, it opens us up into, okay, which direction are we going to go with this? And it also illuminates, it's typically much greater than, what do I look like? What weight do I want to be on this scale? It's way bigger than that. And you're talking about mothers primarily as the audience. And that's my clientele as well. Taking a step back to actually feel into our bodies to listen to what it is that we need now. Why is it that we want to take this step? We don't even really take the time to slow down enough in our day to find those pockets to say, okay, this is what I need and this is why I need it. And oftentimes it's going to involve our children. Because they're our legacy.
Mikki: Yep.
Sarah: And they're the reason for a lot of what we're choosing to do and the choices that we're making. But this is a chance to say, okay, I want to be the healthiest, best version of myself for my kids. And in that process, I now get to take this time to really prioritize myself. So after defining what is your why, which is one of my first steps with people, then it's really looking at, one of the tools I have is called the circle of life, and it is like a little pie. And there's all these different pieces and it incorporates spirituality, relationships, movement, home environment, career, home cooking, all of these different aspects. This is where the holistic component comes in. Because you're really looking at, okay, how satisfied am I in each area?
Sarah: If you think about a tire and a bike, you can't ride the bike if the wheel is like this. And I know most of this is listening, but if it's jagged, you can't ride the bike. So we try to push out the areas where we're lacking to make that wheel a little more circular. Now, perfect balance is not something that I personally believe in, because I think if we're trying to achieve that, we're going to just be running all the time and we're never gonna reach it right? . But if we can push things out a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more in the areas that we want to grow in, we start to feel a little bit more of that, what I would call harmony rather than balance.
Mikki: Yeah. Love that distinction.
Sarah: Yeah. And within that too, one of the things that I think is really powerful and another tool that I use is called, My Ideal. And it's really stepping back, and you can use this tool with a space in your house that you're redoing. You can use this tool with your nutrition, you can use this tool with your relationships, your career. But it's saying, what are the things that I really don't want? What are the things that are non-negotiable, absolutely I have to have, what are the things that I could give or take on, this could work, this could not work. And then you take a look at that and you're like, okay, so this space, maybe it's a space we could use a space, because that's an easy example. I don't want clutter, I don't want dark, I don't, and then you say, okay, so all of that just goes, it makes it so much easier to break it down.
Sarah: Same thing with movement. Movement practices can be so hard to get started, but part of the reason for that is a lot of us are moving our bodies in ways that actually don't really feel good to us because we think we're supposed to do these type of exercises.
Mikki: Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Sarah: We think we're supposed to sweat for 45 minutes. And so we push ourselves and we're miserable when we're doing it.
Mikki: Right. Yeah.
Sarah: So what do you actually want? What's your ideal time to yourself? Your hour, your 20 minutes, whatever it is to move your body? What does it look like and what does it feel like? Okay, now we know that, let's find the thing that matches that.
Mikki: Yeah. Yeah. I love this approach. And I wanna sort of tie it because it was just, it was connecting the dots for me, so I want to connect them also for the audience here. But we're talking about health and wellness, but what I love is that you're sharing this very open ended, very loose grip with this, my ideal concept, it's like there's a loose grip on what will work for me right? Based on what it is that I want. And I love this idea too, because oftentimes, especially with co-parenting relationships, when they are contentious, when they are difficult, or when our kids, we have these schedules that just don't feel good for us as the mom, I think what you're saying is it's like, okay, we don't have to throw the baby out with the bath water here. It's not black or white.
Mikki: It's really learning how, I think what you're saying, and what I'm hearing you say is the more that we can implement this approach of being holistic and really working on the areas that maybe aren't working, how does that actually enrich and harmonize and ultimately balance out your overall life? And so that's why I thought it was so good for you and I to have this conversation because I feel like so many of the moms I talked to, it's like, why bother? This area just stinks. Or why bother, 'cause my co-parent is a you know what. Or I don't have the house I want, or I can't exercise because I'm alone with these kids, or whatever it is. What I love and what I hear you saying, and I think why we resonate together is really how can we look at support, like support in all areas to be able to keep the bike moving?
Sarah: Yes. Yes. How can we look at support? How can we ask for the support that we need? For example, I'm a coach, I also have coaches that I work with personally, right?
Mikki: Yeah.
Sarah: Just because I'm a coach, it doesn't mean I have my whole life perfectly together wrapped with a bow or that I don't need support. So we ask for the support. We lean on community. Community is such a huge part of wellness because we have a lot of actually scientific research that shows the people that we spend our time with. The way that we spend our time within community versus in isolation or alone, really impacts our mental health and our longevity, our physical health too. And so finding ways that we can lean on support in terms of people. I think there's another aspect of this too, though, which is for me, power of choice. Power of choice. So it's really leaning in as a woman, as a mother to our power and harnessing that, knowing that we always have choices throughout our day. Now there are some things we have to do that we might not really wanna do.
Mikki: Sure yeah.
Sarah: Like laundry has to get done, food has to be made. Our kids, like those types of things. Sure, you might not feel like doing it. And it's, not saying, okay, I'm just gonna choose, I'm no longer gonna clean my house. But it is this moment of, okay, so I do have my kids with me today because they've had two snow days and a day off and all of that. And you can look at that and sit back and really feel bad for yourself and say, "Oh, this is not what I wanted. This is totally derailing my day. Now I don't have time to work out. I don't have." right? Or we can shift. This is a mindset shift into how can I make this possible? And maybe that is setting up a sensory event. Maybe it's giving your kid an iPad. Maybe it's including them in your workout, ask them if they wanna do it with you. Take 20 minutes to move your body because ultimately you're gonna show up as a better mother for that rest of that, what feels like a very overwhelming day.
Sarah: So leaning in, in these moments to, okay, I have a choice here. So it's power, possibility, and really perspective, those three Ps that can really change the way that we view our day and the lens that we're choosing to view it through.
Mikki: Yeah. I love those. I'm just making notes for myself. I hope the listeners are too. 'Cause I think you were just in my mind this morning, 'cause you and I were talking before, there's snow days, there's all these things, and I'm looking at my to do list that's just not getting smaller. And I love that reminder is right. It really is about having the tools and doing all of this, like in support so that when these things do happen, we have the power, the possibility, and the perspective to be able to shift. And it sounds easy when you're saying it. And I just wanna sort of validate that, that for those of us listening, yeah, it sounds easy. Just shift, just do this. But really I think what you're saying is it's the power of choice.
Mikki: And it's one step, one decision, one action at a time, that starts to really move the needle forward. And then there's that tipping point. That domino effect when it does become easier, when it does become second nature, when it does come quicker. And I think that's the point. It's never perfect. It's never all imbalanced. What we're really doing is just looking to build that muscle so that when the chaos happens, when the hard times happen, we have the ability to really lean on it quicker.
Sarah: Yes yes. One of, I love how you said we're building that muscle. And one of the coaches that I have done work with, and a dear friend of mine talks about this, like, if you want biceps for summer, you have to start lifting the weights ahead of time. You can't just like lift the weight one time and be like, "okay, look at my biceps." So it's the same thing with this work. It is those small incremental shifts. And really, I think that that makes it feel like you can take a bit of a deep breath because it's not a complete overhaul. Okay, we're gonna change how you eat, we're gonna change how you move, we're gonna change your space. We're gonna, you're gonna change careers because your career doesn't like... We can't manage all of that. That just adds more overwhelm. The goal here is to decrease that overwhelm and to make your life flow a little easier. And to have a little more of that harmony. And like you said, it doesn't mean it's easy. And it may sound easy coming out of my mouth.
Mikki: Sure. Yeah.
Sarah: But there's a lot of work. And one of the things that is true about me is that I am just like such a seeker of knowledge and growth. And I'm open to always evolving. And I'm also a recovering perfectionist. So you use this word perfect. And I know I described, I don't really believe in balance. It still creeps up for me. I still have these moments of, oh, this isn't, everything's not in order and this isn't how I want it to be and overwhelm. And then maybe that leads to me showing up in a way that doesn't feel great. Towards my kids, towards my spouse, towards my mom, towards whoever it is. We all have these moments and we're all human. And I think that one of the things that is so important to me to emphasize is we're all trying our best. And there's a lot of room here in this work for grace. We have to make room for that grace, and we have to extend it to ourselves and extend it to others. And I think it's so much easier to extend it to the other.
Mikki: Of course absolutely.
Sarah: Especially as a mother right? So this is this opportunity of, okay, I'm gonna love on myself a little bit. I'm gonna give myself a little bit of a break. I'm gonna recognize that didn't... The way that I just showed up there. But I'm trying my best with what I have right now. And I can learn from this and it can move forward. And that comes into play in so many areas, that can come into play if you're trying to break habits around the food that you eat or the way that you eat it. Let's say binge eating is a habit. So you binge eat grace. I'm trying my best. Then we work with the tools. How can we break this pattern? How can we break this habit? But if we sit there after that and we just pound on ourselves and beat ourselves up over it, now we're pulling ourselves down to a place where likely we're gonna repeat, repeat, repeat. Our goal is to get out of repeat and into growth, into evolving, into changing habits, patterns, to ultimately go back to the very beginning of what's the definition of wellness, which is to feel your best and live your best life.
Mikki: I love that. That was so beautifully said. I feel like just right there, I feel so wrapped up and I hope that the audience does too, wrapped up and seen in, because it really is about the grace that we need to be able to offer, but we can only give what we have. And so oftentimes it feels easier to give to other people. But again being able to build those muscles requires us to kind of practice on ourselves first. And it's counterintuitive and it's that actual opposite of the message that we receive culturally, religiously, all those things. But it really is the truth of the matter. And so as much as I could chat with you all day, which I think they've already figured out that [laughter], I love my conversations with you. How do you balance the importance?
Mikki: 'Cause we're talking a lot about health and wellness and physical movement and eating and all of these. How do you also balance that with other aspects. And I, you've touched on that, but I do wanna be really mindful of how are some of the ways for the audience some clear, easy steps to start to look at if you need help with this? I think the one thing that Sarah and you, I know they hear from me all the time is get into community, get support. You are not alone. First and foremost. You are not alone. There are resources. And so that's why I love to bring people like you here. But if you could give them maybe a couple of ways that we can start to look at everything, not all at once, but how do you even decide where to start?
Sarah: It's such a good question. And I feel like there's not a one simple answer to it.
Mikki: Sure, yes.
Sarah: Because it is such an individualized journey, in terms of what is it that you really need. But I think taking the moments to listen to ourselves, one of the things, and I know you touched on this in terms of like culture, religion, the societal pressures. One of the things that I think has happened with that, especially with women, is we've lost touch with our intuition. And so we feel like I'm supposed to do this and I'm supposed to do this. And it comes into play with the wellness too. Okay so everyone else is going to this workout class. So I'm also supposed to go to that workout class because it's the best in the area or whatever it may be. So really, I would say one place to start is taking a moment for yourself maybe right after listening to this podcast to take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, maybe put your hand on your heart, and really ask what is it that I need?
Sarah: How often do we ask ourselves as mothers, what do I need? Now, the answer that comes into your mind is exactly what it's supposed to be. And it might look like, take a walk outside, it might look like call a friend. It might look like take a nap, [laughter], it might look like, get the three top things on your to-do list checked off so that now you have a little more space. Sometimes it is the tasks, because that opens up space. We clear away some of that, like little to do stuff maybe that we've been putting off. And then all of a sudden we have a little more space for something else. So I think that that's one thing I would suggest and offer is just to touch base with yourself and get into a routine with this. Get into a habit with it of asking yourself, what is it that I need? And then taking that and what can you do with it? Maybe you can't take a full hour nap, but maybe you can take five minutes to just rest, put your phone, have no screens. Close your eyes, listen to a beautiful song or a meditation. Five minutes.
Mikki: You're beating the grass. Go sit your, sit against a tree. Anything to ground yourself, I think is what you're saying. And I... Or offer yourself what you need.
Sarah: And I think too, sometimes it is the grounding, sometimes it is. I really wanna sweat right now. Sometimes it's, I need to move this stuck energy out, I'm feeling angry because of this interaction that I had, I'm feeling overwhelmed because blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. All the things that I was supposed to be getting done I couldn't get done right now. I wanna move that energy out. So I actually don't wanna sit and meditate.
Mikki: True. Yeah, exactly.
Sarah: Okay I wanna jump around. I wanna, maybe you don't have access to a bike or you aren't a runner, or whatever it is. That's okay. Put on your favorite happy song or the song that you used to dance to at the club. [laughter] and dance around your house. Move the energy out. These types of simple shifts impact our energy. And really when it comes down to the way that we're moving through our relationships and the way that we can show up in our connections with others, it comes down to our energy. And if we're holding an energy of overwhelm, anxiety, anger, frustration, nothing ever goes right for me. How can we show up for others, if that's where we're sitting right?
Mikki: And I think that's the perfect place to direct people to start and to bring our conversation full circle, is it's really just that willingness to consciously step into what is happening in my body, what do I need in this moment? And then acting from a place of love for that, whatever it is. Whether it's a doing or being or whatever it is that we just honor our willingness and ability to ask the question. Because that's the part where we have to learn to tap back into our intuition and what we know and our body holds all the answers. And so we have to learn how to listen. And it's something that most of us were never taught. And so really actively doing that I think is a perfect place to direct people to even begin.
Sarah: And allow yourself through that process to take up space. That's another thing that women for generations and we're... These generational patterns in our bodies. We've been told to just stay quiet, stay smaller, this, that, this is an opportunity to, in your question of what is it that I need to take up space, maybe what you need is to cry really hard. Maybe you wanna scream. Maybe you wanna dance, maybe you wanna sing. What way can you, and again, it can be 5-10 minutes, what way can you express yourself, move energy, take up space, and take care of your needs and of yourself. We don't have to overhaul our whole lives. We don't have to implement a movement practice and a diet plan and a this and a that and start this. No. We have to ask ourselves, what do I need right now? And then have the courage and the conviction to listen to it. And put it into practice.
Mikki: And I'm sure you see this too, but it, I was just talking to a client the other day who has made massive, massive shifts in her co-parenting. It's like the conversations we're having now could never have had at the beginning of the work. And when we went back to really reflect on what's been working, it really was those daily small actions that she took to take care of herself that then impacted every square inch of her life. And I'm sure you hear that from clients all the time. It's not these big things. It's not everybody in your life suddenly becoming less difficult. It's not your job suddenly becoming amazing. It's actually just the daily steps of really choosing to care for yourself, to listen to what you need and then to actually work on as you can, giving yourself a little bit of that, even just the compassion to know you need it.
Sarah: And recognizing that you do have a choice. You use the word choosing to do it. I think, and I know I touched on that earlier, but is this power of choice even just sitting in that for a minute and really recognizing like, oh, I do, I have a choice. I get to choose how I wanna show up in this interaction I get to choose to protect my own energy. I get to choose whether or not I want to drink water or something else right now. It can be these practical. I get to choose whether or not I'm going to go to sleep or stay up and watch another episode of this when I know I really need to prioritize my sleep. It can be these actual habits and practical things that we're doing. Or it can be more of this energetic, I'm gonna choose how I really wanna show up in this moment. And I love what you said a little bit back, but if we can choose to show up with love, I just think that changes the world.
Mikki: Changes the game.
Sarah: And so the more we can do that, the better off everyone around us is going to be and every touch point that we have. And the only way to do that is to love ourselves first. I really believe that. I've experienced it personally. I've experienced it with clients. It's that cliche of you can't pour from an empty cup. It's been said and it's been said and it's been said and it's true. You can't right? So we have to learn how to love ourselves before we can continue to pour love into other people because the love for ourselves fills the cup. And then it allows us to give more if we give and give and give and give. And we don't replenish for ourselves. We just end up feeling depleted.
Mikki: And resentful.
Sarah: Right There's so many words.
Mikki: And angry and bitter in all the things.
Sarah: Exactly. Exactly. What we really wanna feel is fulfilled clarity, flow, connection. I think that most people could hear those words and be like, yeah, I wanna feel that right?
Mikki: Yeah, absolutely yeah.
Sarah: Freedom, whatever it may be. And everybody's word might be different, the first one that pops into their mind, but I don't know many people who would be like, "Oh no, I don't want that."
Mikki: And I think to your point, it's the power of the choice that you have and the choices you make and the decisions and the actions you take. So, oh, Sarah, I could talk to you forever, but I try to be respectful of people's time. I'm really grateful that you share your wisdom, your thoughts, your perspective with us. Tell people where they can find you, because I know they're gonna wanna talk to you, so please tell us all the things. Where can we find you?
Sarah: Thank you. Well, I would love to connect with any and all. I really think we touched on this, but having a support system. We're not meant to do life alone.
Mikki: No.
Sarah: We're really not. And so taking that step towards having a conversation and just, this is where I'm really struggling and this is what I really need. And then we see, okay, is this a fit? Is it not? Can I support you in that and can I not? So where you can find me, I'm on Instagram, Sarah Guseilo_coach, you can find me there. And then also I have an email that is Wellnesswillo, W-I-L-L-O @gmail.com. My maiden name is Willoughby. And so when I first started my career in wellness back in 2011, I think it was, that was my brand name Wellness Willo, because Willo was my nickname. And so it's kind of stuck. So you can find me there. And I know Mikki's gonna list my phone number as well, so feel free to reach out and I would love to connect.
Mikki: Aww. Thank you Sarah, so much for coming today, for sharing with us and just for all the beauty that you're adding to the world.
Sarah: Thank you for having me. It's been a pleasure. And I look forward to our coffee chat about horses and all the other things soon.
Mikki: All the things. Oh, yes. That's coming soon.
Sarah: Okay thanks.
Mikki: Oh, and one more thing. The legal stuff. This podcast is solely intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for any medical advice. Please consult your physician or a qualified medical professional for personalized medical advice. Thanks to listening to Co-parenting with confidence, if you want more information or resources from this podcast visit coparentingwithconfidence.com. I'll see you next week.