In your current co-parenting relationship how often do you
Get overwhelmed and shut down by verbal attacks or accusations of the other co-parent
Get triggered by the other co-parents words or actions and say things you regret later
Feel edgy, short or defensive always waiting for the other shoe to drop with the other co-parent

I’m guessing if you can relate to 1 (or likely most) of these examples you feel trapped, stuck and helpless in co-parenting your kiddos.
You do not have to feel this way!
No matter how uncooperative, nasty or unhelpful your other co-parent is, you have a choice in how you experience your co-parenting relationship.
Learn how to Consciously Co-Parent + Transform your family.
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You will learn how to...
Transform your co-parenting by getting out of just reacting and inevitably making decisions you regret
Taking full Response-Ability in your co-parenting

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Conscious Co-Parenting MasterClass: 3 Steps to turn your co-parenting chaos into calm
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